এই ব্লগ টি কে আরো বড় করে তুলতে আপনাদের সহযোগিতার প্রয়োজন , আপনাদের প্রতিষ্টানের অ্যাড সহ আপনার দেওয়া নোটস ও মডেল প্রশ্ন পত্র এই ব্লগে দেওয়া হবে | যারা ইচ্ছুক আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করতে পারেন - 9123698214

Windows Vista and 7 Start menu

In Windows Vista and 7, Start menu looks almost the same.
In Windows Vista, there are the red Power button (with default action set to Shut down), Lock Computer button and Power options button (options to restart and turn off your computer, plus hibernate and sleep commands) on the bottom left.
In Windows 7, there are just Shut down and Power options buttons.
Right-clicking helps to remove, pin or unpin items on Start menu.
In Windows 7, a most used program might have its Jump List - the list of pinned and recently opened files by the program. Again, right-click menu helps in managing this list.
Windows Vista, Start menu Windows 7, Start menu
You can (and should) search for programs, files and settings instead of scrolling through the list of All Programs. Just type a few letters of the program's name and click the appropriate result to launch it.
To launch a program with elevated rights, right-click it and select Run As Administrator from the menu. Alternatively, hold down SHIFT and CTRL keys and click the application.
Windows Vista, Start menu, Search box. Type a few letters of a program and click it in the results to launch it. Windows 7, Start menu, Search box. Type a few letters of a program and click it in the results to launch it.